

Become widely known as a model Christian liberal arts university that is exceptional at integrating faith and learning. Through a variety of strategic initiatives—including church and organizational partnerships, 提升品牌知名度, 校友参与, fund development and outcomes data—we will emerge at the forefront of Christian Higher Education in the Midwest. This will result in an increasing number of Christian scholars affecting positive world change.


作为一个独特的以基督为中心的社区, MBU will provide transformative student experiences for a diverse student body that integrates unwavering Christian commitment, academic excellence and co-curricular engagement that is a model within higher education. MBU致力于有目的和特殊的学生实习, mentorships and providing experiential learning to help students determine and pursue God’s calling on their lives.


  • 建立健全的生活和学习环境,激发灵感, 启发和激励学生成为最好的自己.
  • 创造一个美观的物理环境, 维护良好,使MBU成为中西部最具吸引力的校园之一.
  • Promote a Christ-centered campus climate where all members are respected, supported and valued.


  • Cultivate a vibrant student experience that enhances a sense of community and affinity for the University resulting in increased retention, 坚持和毕业率.


  • 投资于简化学生服务的数字流程, 包括营业厅, 金融服务和注册功能.
  • Enhance support systems and structures that respond to the students’ emerging intellectual, 精神上的, 生理和社会需求.

集成调用 & 贯穿课程的职业

  • Initiate academic and co-curricular programs aimed at more fully developing learning outcomes that introduce students to a Christian liberal arts education.
  • 发展和扩大特殊的学生实习, mentorship and experiential learning to help students determine and pursue God’s calling on their lives.
  • Establish a teaching and learning center that emphasizes Faith and Learning Integration that supports faculty and staff as they teach, 建议和激励学生.


Through a variety of strategic initiatives—including church and organizational partnerships, 提升品牌知名度, 校友参与, fund development and outcomes data—we will emerge at the forefront of Christian Higher Education in the Midwest. This will result in an increasing number of Christian scholars affecting positive world change.


  • Develop and execute a strategic enrollment plan that significantly grows undergraduate main campus, 未来五年的研究生和在线欧洲杯买球投注官网.
  • Create and implement an exceptional visitor/guest experience that derives from a culture of Christ-like hospitality encompassing all areas of the University.
  • 与教会建立及培育互惠互利的伙伴关系, 公司 and organizations to develop enrollment pipelines while proactively addressing community and marketplace needs


  • 计划一个全面的筹款活动,以增加捐赠和年度捐赠, 资助资本的改善,并促进前受奖人及其他人士的计划捐赠.
  • Engage and connect alumni to the University by developing programs and initiatives that build lifelong connections and increases philanthropic support.

收集 & 利用成果数据

  • Conduct market research and expand a dashboard of key performance indicators that assess institutional health and promotes insightful decision-making.
  • 收集 and communicate alumni achievements and leverage employment data to highlight the return on investment.

明确的身份 & 故事

  • 拓展战略思想领导力, 将MBU定位为中西部基督教高等教育的主要代言人.
  • Invest additional resources aimed at branding and marketing initiatives to enhance the University’s reputation and visibility among constituents and throughout the region.


履行其使命,实现其愿景, MBU将推进一种灵活的财务模式, 具有弹性,从而促进持续的财务实力, 管理, 以及未来的生存能力. The University will focus its attention on strategically important programs and activities that complement the mission of MBU, improve financial margins and implements technology that reduces operating costs and improves student services.


  • 重新定义 scholarship modeling and tuition cost structure to provide students greater accessibility and affordability while meeting University revenue goals.


  • 对区域学习中心进行全面的财务审计, 学术和体育项目,以确保最佳的财政管理.
  • Improve University financial planning and analysis to secure long-term fiscal discipline and sustainability.

优化程序 & 经验混合

  • Identify and launch new academic programs and co-curricular offerings that meet the demands of the marketplace and complement MBU’s mission.
  • Utilize innovative technology to enhance student experiences and foster best business practices across the Institution.

构建 & 加强战略伙伴关系

  • Expand and strengthen a broad range of strategic partnerships with educational and healthcare organizations, 公司, 教堂, 慈善基金会和主要供应商.


MBU的关怀文化, 归属和社区是大学的基督教身份的表达. 相应的, MBU will promote an entrepreneurial environment that leverages human talent and diversity to achieve success as well as implement initiatives that provide opportunities for team members career growth, advancement and that effectively utilizes human resources to support University operations and promotes flourishing employees.


  • 在我们的教师中提倡创业文化, staff and administrators that leverages human talent and diversity to achieve our desired success.
  • 推行支援措施, training and developing current employees providing opportunities for career growth and advancement.

吸引 & 留住优秀的团队成员

  • Conduct a comprehensive review of MBU’s compensation structure that re-envisions employee salary and benefits.
  • Allocate additional resources for faculty and staff professional development that aligns with the strategic plan.
  • 重新定义, redesign and develop innovative faculty and staff workspaces and remote work arrangements designed to maximize employee productivity and serve students well.

提倡关怀、归属感的文化 & 社区

  • Expand faculty and staff camaraderie and service opportunities as well as express employee appreciation.
  • Promote and expand a culture of trust and transparency through open communication and collaborative decision-making.

火车 & 有效调配人力资源

  • 建立人力资源部,集中政策, 程序, 员工培训和操作.

战略 & 操作文档





